You've just taken on responsibility for a new database. New to you, that is -- the database has actually been running for some years. What's the first thing you want to do? If you're like me, you probably want to get a handle on just what it is that you have. What's in the database? How big is it? Wh ...
1 the purpose of this ways ,fist ,it aims to eliminate the redudant data and ensure the dependenties make sense The First Normal Form: 1) elinimate the duplicated date from the same table 2) identify each row with the unique column or the several columns ,to be specific,it is applied in a table with ...
Some tasks can be performed in two ways, both by joins and subqueries. Under what situations should we opt for subqueries? Write your query using a subquery instead of a join when it is easier for you to understand what the purpose or intent of the query is. Remember, you not only have to write it, ...
in its most basic form ,Oracle uses threes files(listneres.ora ,tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora) for network configuration. 1 listener.ora. this file contains the server side parameters configuration 2 tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora this file contains the client side parameters configuration Assumptions The exampl ...
What is the difference between VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 and CHAR data types? Submitted by admin on Sat, 2005-11-26 08:30 Both CHAR and VARCHAR2 types are used to store character string values, however, they behave very differently. The VARCHAR type should not be used: CHAR CHAR should be used for storing ...
1  can one call DDL statement from PL/SQL? one can call DDL statements like Create,DROP,Truncate ,etc from PL/SQL by using the "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" statement examples DECLARE   var VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN   var := 'CREATE TABLE temp1(col1 NUMBER(2))';   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE var; END; NOTE: The DD ...

Exists Versus In

1 exists just checks for the existence of rows,whereas in checks the acutal values 2 exists typically offers better performence than in with subquery
the alter table statement is used to modify ,add ,delete columns in an existing table 1 to add a column in a table ,use the following syntax: alter table table_name add column_name datatype 2 to delete a column in a table ,use the following syntax alter table table_name drop column column_name 3 to c ...
WebSphere MQ 为用户和应用开发人员提供了一种直接,简单的手段以实现应用系统在不同操作系统平台之间稳定可靠地传递,交换重要的数据和信息,确保消息不丢失/不复传。MQ 消息传输产品之于企业 IT 应用,就如同电子邮件之于人一样,是 SOA 时代企业 IT 应用之间相互传递消息的最重要工具。但是,与由于网络原因而经常丢失消息的脆弱的电子邮件系统不同的是,MQ 强大而稳定,永远能够确保每一个字节的消息都能够被正确地传送到目的应用之中。 MQ provide a ways of transfering important data and information with stable and ...
一、软件准备 Apache 2.2 : Tomcat 6.0 二、软件安装      把Apache安装为运行在80端口的Windows服务,安装成功后在系统服务列表中可以看到Apache2.2服务。对于已安装IIS的机器,在启动 Apache服务之前必须首先停止IIS Admin服务,不然会因为端口冲突而无法启动。服务启动后在浏览器中输入http://localhost进行测试,如果能看到一个"It works!"的页面就代表Apache已经正常工作了。      解压tomcat zip文件到两个文件夹,分别为t1和t2,以下均以t1和t2代表两 ...
TRUNCATE TABLE 在功能上与不带 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 语句相同:二者均删除表中的全部行。但 TRUNCATE TABLE 比 DELETE 速度快,且使用的系统和事务日志资源少。 DELETE 语句每次删除一行,并在事务日志中为所删除的每行记录一项。TRUNCATE TABLE 通过释放存储表数据所用的数据页来删除数据,并且只在事务日志中记录页的释放。 TRUNCATE TABLE 删除表中的所有行,但表结构及其列、约束、索引等保持不变。新行标识所用的计数值重置为该列的种子。如果想保留标识计数值,请改用 DELETE。如果要删除表定义及其数据,请使用 DROP TA ...
一、认识SCA SCA(Service Component Architecture)中文翻译为“服务组件架构”,是一种全新的软件架构思想。 SCA中,最重要的一个概念是Service----服务,它的内涵式独立于具体的技术。因此,SCA不会称之为 Java组件架构,或Web Service ...
摘要:单点登录(SSO)的技术被越来越广泛地运用到各个领域的软件系统当中。本文从业务的角度分析了单点登录的需求和应用领域;从技术本身的角度分析了单点登录技术的内部机制和实现手段,并且给出Web-SSO和桌面SSO的实现、源代码和详细讲解;还从安全和性能的角度对现有的实现技术进行进一步分析,指出相应的风险和需要改进的方面。本文除了从多个方面和角度给出了对单点登录(SSO)的全面分析,还并且讨论了如何将现有的应用和SSO服务结合起来,能够帮助应用架构师和系统分析人员从本质上认识单点登录,从而更好地设计出符合需要的安全架构。 关键字:SSO, Java, J2EE, JAAS 1 什么是单点登陆 单点 ...
webserivce 是基于网络的分布式组件,通过发布能通过web进行访问的api。基于xml。主要的技术支持协议有:wsdl ,xsd,xml,soap,http,uddi and so on
看“测试驱动开发”这个名字,首先应该明确:与它对应的是“文档驱动开发”。它是一种开发过程,这里的测试是一个设计问题,而不是QA问题。在没有TDD之前,“正统的”开发过程要求有设计文档:高层设计描述一个模块“做什么事”,详细设计描述一个模块“如何做这些事”。软件工程课讲得清楚,只有源代码的软件不能算软件,因为它不可理解、不可维护;源代码加上文档,才算是程序员完整地交付了自己的工作。要做任何一件事之前,你必须首先清楚地知道自己要做什么(以及不要做什么),否则那就是crack,不是在从事职业的软件开发。 但这种文档有几个致命的缺陷。第一,自然语言的描述容易产生歧义;第二,不能自动化地验证;第三,不 ...
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